Table of Contents
You asked for it, and who are we to ignore you! We now have a simple, editable, printable basic dog walking contract that includes all the key areas including a terms and conditions section at the end, over just 4 pages and available in Google docs for you to use straight away. Use the form below and check your email 🙂
To make things as easy as possible for you, we’ve written a basic, clearly worded contract template for you which includes all the sections required on one, paperless online form using Jotform.
Dog walking contracts don’t need to be unnecessarily complicated. Making sure you include a handful of key aspects should ensure you’re protected if you ever need to prove that you have a business relationship with a client, e.g. in the case of an insurance claim, or payment dispute.
A clear, concise contract shows professionalism, that you’re serious about your business and sets clear boundaries between you and the client.
It doesn’t have to be a massive undertaking and can be kept simple. Personally, I would aim for a single document rather than multiple sheets and forms and short, clear sentences for your clients to read (did you know the average reading age in the UK is 8 years old?).
How to get your free dog walking template
The best contract is going to be one specific to you and your services, so here is how to edit the template to suit your own business.
First, sign up for JotForm here, it’s completely free and you can have 5 different forms, 100 people filling in those forms and 10 people signing the forms completely free each month.
Once you’ve signed up, click this link to go straight to the template
Click edit and you’ll be on a screen similar to this one;

Click the background where the yellow piece of paper is above the words ‘new client’ and a box will open so you can put in your own logo to replace mine on the template

Then, scroll all the way down to the bottom to edit the terms and conditions to match your business. Click on the text, then the edit text button. Then just add, delete or change anything that doesn’t fit the way you work.

And that’s it! You can of course change anything you wish to on the contract by just clicking the relevant sections. Once it’s exactly how you want it you can share the link with your client to fill in and sign. Paperless, easy and stress free.
Don’t forget to explore using Jotform for other things to help your business too. You can send out customer satisfaction surveys to owners, create a form for your website for enquiries or even take payments by using their online payment forms.
What to include in a dog walking contract
- Terms of service
- Dog’s details
- Release clauses (vet, offlead etc.)
Terms of service for dog walking
This is the part where you confirm what the client is paying you for, so you should specify the following;
- cancellation terms for the contract (Important if you ever want to sack the client)
- cancellation terms for walks
- what days they’ve booked you for
- The length of the walks (30 mins? 1 hour?)
- The approximate collection times
- What happens in severe weather conditions
- Price charged per walk and notice periods for any price increases in the future
The Dog’s details
Anything that may affect the walk or the dog’s interaction with others should be included. For example;
- Name, age, neuter status, colour/description (In case they get lost)
- Previous medical issues (which might mean you need to lift them into the car if they’ve had a previous leg injury or hip dysplasia, or perhaps a keen eye needed for them scavenging if they’ve had blockages removed in the past)
- Allergies (in case they can’t have certain treats, or come out in hives in long grass)
- Recall cue to call them back
- Triggers that stress or concern them (such as joggers, cyclists or toddlers)
Release clauses for dog walking contracts
Vet release
This clause will enable you, the dog walker, to take your client’s dog to a vet for treatment without the owner present should anything happen to them on a walk.
That said, vets have a duty of care to administer basic treatment even in the absence of a release form and will attempt to contact the owner prior to any treatment for confirmation.
Example text; In case I can’t be reached in the case of an emergency, the dog walker (insert your name or business name) has my permission to act on my behalf and authorise any treatment (excluding euthanasia.)
I give my permission to approve treatment up to (Insert an amount in £)
Off lead release
This will simply state that you have permission to let their dog off the lead if you feel safe to do so in terms of the environment you’re walking in and the reliability of the dog’s recall.
Key holding
This states that you have been given permission to hold a key to their property and that their key will be stored safely during non-working hours. During working hours it will be on your person.
In addition, it’s prudent to state that there will be no way to identify which house the key is for should you lose it. So instead of putting the address on the tag, pop the dog’s name instead. If you have more than one dog with the same name, it’s common to use a comic descriptor such as ‘big Teddy’ and ‘little Teddy’ etc.
Emergency Contact
Exactly as it sounds, this would be someone else that you can call in an emergency if you cannot get through to the owner. You are most likely going to need this number if the dog is being taken to the vet or you’ve broken the key off in the door. So choosing someone nearby and contactable during the daytime is sensible.
I hope you find our free dog walking contract template useful and I really hope it saves some time leaving you to do more enjoyable things, like walking dogs 🙂
*The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only.
Click to read our full guide on How to Start a Successful Dog Walking Business in 2023
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